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Why CT?<\/h2>\n

CT has a long track record of delivering <\/span>high-quality training<\/strong> across all engineering disciplines. Our vast experience ranges from aerospace structures to tailored software solutions, civil infrastructure and naval engineering, among many others, providing us with a broad spectrum of skills and knowledge to draw from. We are a trusted partner for many customers and have been selected as a primary training provider for leading companies like Airbus where our courses extend from general design to architecture and integration, certification, and much more. CT can provide training solutions from a standard portfolio or tailored to our customers\u2019 specific requirements<\/strong>. Training courses can be delivered at the customer\u2019s facilities, at our offices, or via remote methods. With CT Engineering training, our clients benefit from more than 30 years of engineering excellence in the classroom.<\/span><\/p>\n

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Why CT?<\/h2>\n

CT has a long track record of delivering <\/span>high-quality training<\/strong> across all engineering disciplines. Our vast experience ranges from aerospace structures to tailored software solutions, civil infrastructure and naval engineering, among many others, providing us with a broad spectrum of skills and knowledge to draw from. We are a trusted partner for many customers and have been selected as a primary training provider for leading companies like Airbus where our courses extend from general design to architecture and integration, certification, and much more. CT can provide training solutions from a standard portfolio or tailored to our customers\u2019 specific requirements<\/strong>. Training courses can be delivered at the customer\u2019s facilities, at our offices, or via remote methods. With CT Engineering training, our clients benefit from more than 30 years of engineering excellence in the classroom.<\/span><\/p>\n

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Why CT?<\/h2>\n

CT has a long track record of delivering\u00a0<\/span>high-quality training<\/strong>\u00a0across all engineering disciplines. Our vast experience ranges from aerospace structures to tailored software solutions, civil infrastructure and naval engineering, among many others, providing us with a broad spectrum of skills and knowledge to draw from. We are a trusted partner for many customers and have been selected as a primary training provider for leading companies like Airbus where our courses extend from general<\/span><\/p>\n

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Your experienced and reliable training partner<\/span><\/p>\n

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design to architecture and integration, certification, and much more.\u00a0<\/span>CT can provide training solutions from a standard portfolio or tailored to our customers\u2019 specific requirements<\/strong>. Training courses can be delivered at the customer\u2019s facilities, at our offices, or via remote methods. With CT Engineering training, our clients benefit from more than 30 years of engineering excellence in the classroom.<\/span><\/p>\n

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We offer a full suite of professional development packages,\u00a0ranging from beginner to specialist training.<\/h2>\n

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CTEngineering Group\u00a0offer a wide range of composite training courses from bespoke training catered uniquely to your business needs, to certification that can enhance your sales prospects and market competitiveness. Our courses range from basic beginner training to advanced training and to specialist training courses that focus on the specific details of composite materials and structural development. With this three tiered training approach we can offer professional development packages for your employees, starting from the foundations phase right through to expert.<\/p>\n

Courses run from one day to one week depending on your requirements. We use case studies in our training courses to give participants a practical sense of real world challenges and teach them how to develop innovative solutions. If your business deals in composites, CTEngineering Group\u00a0is the strongest training partner to support you.<\/p>\n

What We Offer<\/h3>\n

We offer courses in the following composite sectors with beginner, advanced and specialist training:<\/p>\n